Services Application Procedures

Who Can Apply

All micro, small and medium size private agribusiness entrepreneurs can apply for PASS Trust products and services, except those dealing in tobacco.

These can be categorized as follows:


Clients may apply for PASS Trust products and service directly from Head Office (or our nearest branch) or through a bank from which he obtains banking services.

The following procedures apply in the process:

  1. Fill and submit application form
  2. Pay application fees
  3. Pre-evaluation review by PASS Trust Officer
  4. Pre-evaluation site visit by PASS Trust Officer
  5. Preparation of business plan, as may be needed
  6. Proposal evaluation by PASS Trust Officer
  7. Proposal evaluation by Bank during loan processing
  8. Pay linkage fees

Application Forms

Clients may apply for PASS Trust products and service directly from Head Office (or our nearest branch) or through a bank from which he obtains banking services.

  1. Financial Services Application Form
  2. Business Development Services Application Form